Bachelor first-year students

Here you will find all the information you need to start as an environmental engineer at the University of Stuttgart.


The study program manager is Daniel Dobslaw. He is responsible for the program and is a good point of contact for general questions about the program.

During the introductory week, we will show you how to register for courses and much more.

Introductory events

Upcoming dates for the next semester will be presented here.

Where is what

Here you will find a short explanation of how the room names on campus are put together.

Example: V 53.01

  1. Campus [V]: V=Vaihingen, M=”Stadtmitte” (Downtown)
  2. House number [53]
  3. Floor [0]
  4. Room number [1]

And here you can find the most important places on campus:

Studen group room: V9.0.164

Mensa: V45

Introducktion to C@mpus, Ilias & Co.

Introductory video on how to use C@mpus, ILIAS und Co.

First-year booklet

You can find more information about the study program in the first-year booklet!

More Environmental Engineering



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