Executive committee

Who is the student group’s executive committee of the division made up of?

The executive committee of the student group Environmental Engineering / WAREM is newly elected at the beginning of each lecture period. It is made up of three student group spokespersons and two financial officers.

In the summer semester 2024, the tasks are distributed as follows: Niklas is our student group spokesperson, supported by Anton and Hanna as deputy student group spokespersons. Lea, together with Paula as deputy, takes care of the finances.

From left to right: Anton, Lea, Paula, Hanna and Niklas.

What does the executive committee do?

The executive committee is your contact for all problems concerning your studies. Its members coordinate the numerous tasks that arise in the course of the year and make sure that people are found who are responsible for the events of the student group.

You are probably familiar with the student group spokespersons from the student group meetings, as they take turns chairing them. In addition, there are other tasks that you might not even notice: preparing and inviting to meetings, answering e-mails, representing the student group, for example, welcoming first-year students, tidying up the student group room, answering letters, approving posters in front of the student group room, … The head of the student group is in constant contact with the study program manager, so they are the link between the students and the university.

The finance officers not only have to keep an overview of our finances, but also approve all the student group’s applications to stuvus.

In addition, the student group executive committee takes care of maintaining contact with other student groups.

Who can I contact if I have problems or questions?

If you get stuck, the members of the student group executive committee always have an open ear for your problems.

Although the work of the student group is coordinated by the executive committee, the work only functions through the commitment of numerous people who are active in the work of the student group. Some of them are contact persons for specific topics. Among others, there are active people who are assigned to

  • record the student group meetings,
  • keep the website up to date,
  • maintain the e-mail list,
  • manage the keys,
  • look after our IT,
  • keep the drinks replenished,
  • making sure the coffee machine brews fresh coffee for everyone,
  • keep the student group’s circular economy running smoothly,
  • coordinate the rental of equipment,
  • keep our social media channels up to date with interesting information,
  • register student group barbecues,
  • rais the profile of sustainability in the student group’s work,
  • sort out problems that arise in teaching,
  • represent the student group at stuvus meetings,
  • maintain our Discord server,
  • be the contact person for equal opportunities and diversity.
  • look after our Nextcloud.

The student group also provides members of other university committees . They address issues that concern us as a student group in the corresponding meetings.

How do I make suggestions for student group work?

You can reach the three department spokespersons via the email address fg-umw-info(at)lists.stuvus.uni-stuttgart.de. If you would like to address something anonymously, you can also drop a note with information about the topic in our mailbox at Pfaffenwaldring 9.